Issue Three: Exploring Different Business Models

Last time around, we got into the nuances of what separates a decent coach from an exceptional one in the health and fitness world. If that one got past you, catch up here.

In this edition of the Business Digest, we are going to jump right in.

I recently had the distinct pleasure of being featured on the Principles of Program Design podcast, hosted by Mike Perry and Eric D’Agati. During the episode, we took a deep dive into the multifaceted world of fitness business models, and I wanted to give you a brief rundown of what we covered.

We started with a personal reflection on my journey in the fitness industry, tracing the ups, downs, and pivotal moments that shaped my path. I am sure many of you can relate to the issues I describe. We then transitioned into an insightful discussion on what truly sets apart the successful trainers from the crowd, emphasizing the genuine value of expertise and the potential pitfalls of being driven solely by the dollar.

A significant portion of our conversation was dedicated to unpacking various training models. We analyzed the one-on-one private model and compared that with the semi-private model, the small group model, and highlighted their individual pros and cons. One key segment I believe many of you will find valuable debunked the often-glamorized appeal of semi-private training, urging all trainers to approach this model with a balanced perspective and caution against the allure of quick riches.

As the fitness landscape continually evolves, we also touched upon the trend of virtual training, evaluating its place and potential in the post-pandemic world. To wrap things up, we offered some timeless advice for those navigating their coaching careers and shared a glimpse into what lies ahead for PEX Health and Fitness.

If you’re looking to gain insights into both the physical and strategic aspects of the fitness business, I genuinely believe this episode is a must-listen. Whether you’re just starting your journey or are a seasoned fitness professional, there’s something in here for everyone.

Stay tuned for more such enlightening discussions, and as always, thank you for being a part of our community. You can check out the full podcast here!

Podcast Outline:

  • Introduction: My Journey from Fitness Rookie to Gym Owner — 5:00
  • The Differentiator: Dissecting the Successes from the Failures in Training — 8:30
  • Trainer Traps: The Downfall of “Trainer Math” & Misguided Monetary Motivations — 11:00
  • Quality Over Quantity: Clients’ Investment in Your Expertise, Not Your Stopwatch — 13:00
  • One-on-One vs. Small Groups: Decoding the Benefits and Downfalls — 15:30
  • Semi-Private Training: Breaking the Myth of Instant Wealth — 17:30
  • Blending Modes: The Interplay between Semi-Private and Group Training — 26:00
  • Group Training 101: Crafting a Unique Signature in a Saturated Market — 27:00
  • PEX’s Growth Ladder: Tracing the Career Trajectory at PEX Health and Fitness — 30:00
  • Dual Hats: Juggling the Roles of a Full-Time Trainer & Business Owner — 34:00
  • Entrepreneurship Essentials: The Indispensable Business Blueprint — 36:00
  • Alternate Realms: Exploring Strength & Conditioning Coaching Aspirations — 40:00
  • Elite Ambitions: Did Training Pro Athletes Ever Tempt Me? — 43:00
  • Digital Domains: Sizing Up the Role of Virtual Training — 46:00
  • Golden Nuggets: Timeless Advice for Coaching Newbies — 50:00
  • What’s Next for PEX?: Charting the Exciting Future Trajectory — 53:00


In Closing:

In the dynamic world of health and fitness, choosing the right business model can make or break your career. It’s a blend of recognizing industry trends, understanding client needs, and taking some time to do your own self-reflection. After all, success in this field is as much about strategic thinking as it is about physical training. Here’s to making informed choices and realizing your business potential!