Abigail Carnevale
Athletics with Abby
258 Main St, Medfield, MA 02052
Specializations/Areas of Expertise
1 on 1
Small group
Larger classes
Ideal Clients
General population
Previously a collegiate athlete, Abby has always been active and finding various ways to stay fit. After graduating and receiving her Bachelors from Curry College in Milton MA, she continued focusing on her fitness goals and staying active. This led her to finding a passion for strength training and boxing. She learned that boxing helped not just in a physical aspect, but mental as well.
Along with fitness, Abigail also has a passion for modeling. She has competed in Miss Massachusetts USA and was also recognized by Sports Illustrated Swimsuit. She believes in living a healthy lifestyle, taking everything in moderation, and wants to help others gain confidence with their bodies and athletic capabilities.
One of Abby’s proudest accomplishments is receiving her personal training certification through National Academy of Sports Medicine. Abby’s goal is to simply change these high expectations society has set for men and women in a physical way. “I want you to look in the mirror and feel confident with what you see. I work to prove to others, and especially to myself that I can do anything I put my mind to, and I strive to guide others to do the same.”