Dear Client – Your Input Matters!

Dear Client – Your Input Matters! Michael Campanella As a personal trainer, I’ve often had clients push back when I ask the question, “How does the weight feel?” or “Do you want to go heavier?” during our training sessions. Typically, the responses...

The Importance of Training the Proprioceptive System

The Importance of Training the Proprioceptive System Mike Campanella I’ve been on the personal training floor about 14 hours a day, 5 days a week, for 14 years. That’s 49,000 hours. (Also, holy sh*t). I literally have seen everything. I have seen every type of client,...

Matching Intensity Level to the Rep Scheme

Matching Intensity Level to the Rep Scheme Mike Campanella Can we talk about something important for a moment? I’m not talking about politics or social issues, no, I’m talking about fitness. Specifically, the importance of matching intensity to the...

What Does A Healthy Vacation Mindset Look Like?

What Does A Healthy Vacation Mindset Look Like? Nicki Regan The wait is finally over; summer is officially here! The days are longer, the sun is out, and the beach is calling our name. Fourth of July is just days away– I’m sure for most of us, so are vacations and...